Saturday 2 May 2020

Dental Crown and Tooth Bridges

Are you confused about dental crowns and tooth bridges? Read out the article to get the complete information.

Dental crowns and tooth bridges both are prosthetic gadgets. They are not removable devices. Dentists can fix them through proper cementing on your teeth. You cannot detach these tools on your own. A person can take out dentures or braces, but he/she needs a dentist for dental crowns and tooth bridges.

How Does a Dental Crown Work?
The first and foremost question comes into our minds is why a person uses dental crowns? Well, dental crowns have used to cover the area or cap of the damage of a tooth.

A dental crown intends to build up the outer layer or cover of an enamel. Moreover, it can improve the appearance and shape of the teeth. A dentist can place the crown on the top of an implant to enhance the looks and provide a tooth-like structure. The second significant point after the shape is the color of dental crowns. It gives you the natural color of your teeth. Porcelain or ceramic can match the original pale white of your teeth. Well, some other materials like gold, alloys, acrylic, and ceramic will have different colors. The metals like gold or alloy are powerful than any other substance like porcelain.

Why does a Dentist recommend a Dental Crown?
A dentist recommends a patient dental crown due to the following reasons:

  • When there is a fracture in a tooth.
  • When a tooth is weak, for its protection dentists suggest a dental crown.
  • When the appearance of a tooth has destructed.
  • When your tooth needs a large filling.
  • When you need a restoration of a tooth and smile.
  • When your teeth need an attachment of bridge.
  • When a tooth needs to cover a dental implant.
  • To change the shape of a tooth.
  • To give your teeth natural color.
  • When a tooth needs a cover after root canal treatment.

How Do Dental Bridges Work?
Well, if you do not know why a person uses dental bridges, then you are in the right article. When there is a slit or opening between the teeth, a person needs the bridges to fill these spaces. Due to the tooth extraction or missing tooth, you will have to use the dental bridges.
When there is a pause between the teeth, you face difficulty in eating. Moreover, the side teeth can bend to the empty area and create dental diseases. The dental gaps can cause gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. The situation can create trouble in your mouth while speaking.
Dentist cements the dental bridge on the empty area. Apart from the space, the dentist can pave the bridge on a natural tooth or implants. These teeth are known as abutments. The abutments work as an anchor of the dental bridge. The replaced tooth has called Pontic. Pontic covers the abutments; thus, dentists attach it to the outer layer. The patient has to choose the material of the bridge. You can pick the natural porcelain or ceramic bridges, or the aesthetic one.

Why does a Dentist recommend a Dental Bridge?
A dentist recommends a patient dental bridge due to the following reasons:
·         When there is a missing tooth.
·         When you need a replacement for an existing damaged tooth.
·         When you have eating troubles because of your destructed teeth.
How Long Can Dental Crowns and Bridges Last?
Dental crowns and bridges can last a lifetime. However, if you do not take good care of your oral routine, you can lose strength and color. If you choose gold or metal crowns, you do not need to worry about discoloration.
However, porcelain or ceramic can change the color if you do not care about dental hygiene. Apart from oral care, you need to eat healthily and quit smoking. Red vine, smoking, soda, citric drinks, and hard food items can damage the shape and color of your bridges and crown.

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